Key Considerations Before, During, and After Your Tenancy

Comprehensive Guide for Tenants

Below is the information on things the tenant needs to take into account before moving in, during the tenancy period and at moving out.


At CMS, we prefer to take all potential tenants on viewings, and we are flexible due to our opening hours. This guide for tenants around the property is important for a personal touch.


As soon as we receive an offer we will notify you. Any special conditions of the offer, for example frequency of rent payments or move in date will be discussed.

Accepting an Offer

Once negotiations have reached a positive conclusion and you are happy to accept an offer, we will ask for relevant documents from you and we prepare a file for you.

Signing Tenancy Contracts

Once the tenancy contract signed by both landlord and tenant, each will receive a copy with the real estate agent retaining a copy for filing purposes and rental cheques are handed over to the landlord.

Moving In

As CMS, we may wish to check the tenant into a property, hand over the keys, talking the tenant through where everything is in order to start the tenancy off on a positive note.


Frequently Asked Questions

A tenancy agreement is a contract signed by both the tenant and the landlord. It outlines all the rules to which both parties must comply.

  • The tenant has given the landlord permission to enter;
  • There is an emergency that requires the landlord to enter the unit; or
  • The tenant has abandoned the property.

The landlord is responsible for maintaining the property in a good state of repair.

In most cases, a tenant can only decorate or make changes to the property with the express permission of the landlord. We recommend receiving this permission in writing.

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